Another wonderful day out with a great group of Londoners as English Wine Tasting Tours continues to introduce people to English Wine. Our tour group this time was again a diverse group of either small groups, couples or individuals, with one of our guests coming the furthest to take our wine tour, Qatar.
All of our guests had a wonderful time, partly because the weather was amazing, but most were experiencing English wine for the first time. It was a great day out into the countryside for these Londoner.
Interestingly we seem to hear how the Hush Heath Balfour Brut is one of the top picks amongst our guests. We are beginning to notice a theme in terms of taste and preference, so Richard Balfour-Lynn wine producer of Hush Heath, must be doing something right?!
On the other hand, the Chapel Down Winery and Vineyard Tour seems to be quite popular as it informs and educates guests in a more in-depth commentary on the winemaking process. The also give much more advice on how to taste wine like a sommelier.
The Goudhurst Inn has got even better with sourcing an even higher end local meat producer. The fish and chips and burgers seemed to tantalise the pallet even more this time. We did have a vegetarian on the tour this time who ordered the beetroot risotto which had the darkest burgundy inner filling, although we think he was quite jealous of the size of our chunky chips.
More great English Wine Tasting Tours to come! Next tour we are off to West Sussex on August 29th, 2015 to visit Bolney and Bluebell Vineyards, both are remarkably good estate wines that have won awards and are considered high-end as English wine producers. This is a great day out to bring Londoners to the wine country!
See our Kent Wine Tour Video Below: